[Tex/LaTex] Beamer Warsaw theme: Reduce the number of subsections visible in the navigation bar


I give a lecture with 10 sections and maybe 5-10 subsections.
Using the Warsaw theme would make the available space too small.

Is there a way to make the navigation bar show:

  • only the last section, current section and the next two sections?
  • only the last subsection, current subsection and the next two subsections?

If there is not an option, one may have to change the \insertsubsectionnavigation-function.

Maybe something like

\insertsubsectionnavigation["\thissectionnumber-1" to "\thissectionnumber+2"] 

The problem is: I don't understand the way this function works.

Does anyone have an idea or a link to a similar topic?

Here is an example of how it should NOT look:

    \section{Section 1}
    \section{Section 2}
    \section{Section 3}
    \section{Section 4}
        \subsection{SubSection a}\begin{frame}Test\end{frame}
        \subsection{SubSection b}\begin{frame}Test\end{frame}
        \subsection{SubSection c}\begin{frame}Test\end{frame}
        \subsection{SubSection d}\begin{frame}Test\end{frame}
        \subsection{SubSection e}\begin{frame}Test\end{frame}
        \subsection{SubSection f}\begin{frame}Test\end{frame}
        \subsection{SubSection g}\begin{frame}Test\end{frame}
        \subsection{SubSection h}\begin{frame}Test\end{frame}
        \subsection{SubSection i}\begin{frame}Test\end{frame}
    \section{Section 5}
    \section{Section 6}
    \section{Section 7}\begin{frame}Test\end{frame}

A slide would look like:
normal style

I want it to look like:
enter image description here

Best Answer

This is an extension of @GonzaloMedina answer from Only 3 items in navigation bar, is that possible? that covers subsections too (long Beamer code follows).




    {\global\advance\beamer@tocsectionnumber by 1\relax%
    \beamer@tempcount=\c@page\advance\beamer@tempcount by -1%
    \gdef\prevsection{\csname section\romannumeral\theprevsection \endcsname}%
    \renewcommand\nextsection{\csname section\romannumeral\thenextsection \endcsname}%

    \beamer@tempcount=\c@page\advance\beamer@tempcount by -1%
    \gdef\prevsubsection{\csname subsection\romannumeral\theprevsubsection \endcsname}%
    \renewcommand\nextsubsection{\csname subsection\romannumeral\thenextsubsection \endcsname}%

    \multiply\@tempdimb by\beamer@sectionmax%
    \multiply\@tempdimb by\beamer@subsectionmax%
    \advance\@tempdimb by 1.125ex%
    \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.5\paperwidth,ht=\@tempdimb,right,rightskip=1em]{section in head/foot}%
      \vbox to \@tempdimb{%
      \ifnum\thesection=1 \else%
      \ifnum\thesection=\beamer@sectionmax \else%
    \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.5\paperwidth,ht=\@tempdimb]{subsection in head/foot}%
      \vbox to \@tempdimb{%
      \ifnum\thesubsection=1 \else%
      \ifnum\thesubsection=\beamer@subsectionmax \else%

% Here you put the names that will go in the navigation bar
\newcommand\sectioni{test one}
\newcommand\sectionii{test two}
\newcommand\sectioniii{test three}
\newcommand\sectioniv{test four}

\newcommand\subsectioni{sub 1}
\newcommand\subsectionii{sub 2}
\newcommand\subsectioniii{sub 3}
\newcommand\subsectioniv{sub 4}

\section{test one}

\section{test two}

\section{test three}

\section{test four}
\subsection{sub 1}
\subsection{sub 2}
\subsection{sub 3}
\subsection{sub 4}


enter image description here