[Tex/LaTex] Highlight only current subsection, hide subsections of other sections


The table of contents command in my beamer .sty looks like this:


It shows all sections and subsections with emphasis on the current section and subsection, but I want only the subsections of the current section to be shown, the current subsection be emphasized AND subsections of other sections not to be shown at all:

  • section 1
  • section 2
    • subsection 1 <= inactive, shaded
    • subsection 2 <= active subsection, strong colour
    • subsection 3 <= inactive, shaded
  • section 3

How can that be achieved?

Best Answer

Once again I found the solution in the docs (page 100):


show = current subsection is shown regularly

shaded = the section's other subsections are shown, but shaded

hide = other sections' subsection entries are not shown in the table of contents