[Tex/LaTex] Author affiliation like in SDM


I am using this template for SDM paper http://www.siam.org/proceedings/macros/soda2e.all.

I have multiple authors with some authors from the same institutions. How can I show this information in the authors section. The sample file shows different authors from different institution

\author{Corey Gray\thanks{Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.} \\
Tricia Manning\thanks{Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.}}

I want Corey Grat and Tricial Manning to have same sign * and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics to be shown only once

Best Answer

Well, to answer your question I will use the code example of the class you mention in your question:



%\setcounter{chapter}{2} % If you are doing your chapter as chapter one,
%\setcounter{section}{3} % comment these two lines out.

\title{\Large SIAM/ACM Preprint Series Macros for
Use With LaTeX\thanks{Supported by GSF grants ABC123, DEF456, and GHI789.}}
\author{Corey Gray\thanks{Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.} \\
Tricia Manning\footnotemark[2]} %{Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.}}


%\setcounter{page}{1}%Leave this line commented out.

\begin{abstract} \small\baselineskip=9pt This is the text of my abstract. It is a brief
description of my
paper, outlining the purposes and goals I am trying to address.\end{abstract}

\section{Problem Specification.}In this paper, we consider the solution of the $N \times
N$ linear
\begin{equation} \label{e1.1}
A x = b
where $A$ is large, sparse, symmetric, and positive definite.  We consider
the direct solution of (\ref{e1.1}) by means of general sparse Gaussian
elimination.  In such a procedure, we find a permutation matrix $P$, and
compute the decomposition
P A P^{t} = L D L^{t}
where $L$ is unit lower triangular and $D$ is diagonal.

In fact, the trick is very easy, we only need to use the \footnotemark[<number>]command. This introduces the reference <number> in a footnote but without compose the footnote.

In other words, according to the lines of the snippet of your question, for you can use the same symbol to name several authors from the same institution use:

\author{Corey Gray\thanks{Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.} \\
Tricia Manning\footnotemark[2]}

Instead of repeat the command \thanks with its content, you'll use \footnotemark[]. The reason of the number 2 is because if you choose 1, that footnote will have the same symbol than the first \thanks in the title.

As you can see, the trick is to know the number (order of appearance) of the note (and its symbol) you want to repeat to display as you want them.