Change font of author affiliation marker


When using the authblk package I am able to adjust the font used in the author names and affiliations using the \Authfont and \Affilfont commands provided by the package.


\title{Paper Title}
\author[1]{First Author}
\affil[1]{First author's affiliation}
\author[2]{Second Author} 
\author[2]{Third Author}
\affil[2]{Other authors' affiliations}

\renewcommand{\Authfont}{\bfseries \itshape}
\renewcommand{\Affilfont}{\mdseries \itshape}


Title generated from code

What can I do to change the font of the marker numerals (1 and 2) to match the text they appear next to (i.e. bold-italics in the author list and italics in the affiliations)?

Best Answer

You have to modify the \textsuperscript command that the package calls. And to get combined bold and italic, load the amsmath package.



\title{Paper Title}
\author[1]{First Author}
\author[2]{Second Author} 
\author[2]{Third Author}

\affil[1]{First author's affiliation}
\affil[2]{Other authors' affiliations}

\renewcommand{\Authfont}{\bfseries \itshape}
\renewcommand{\Affilfont}{\mdseries \itshape}


