[Tex/LaTex] APA bibliography style with numbers


For my thesis I am using biber and biblatex to manage the bibliography. I would like to use the apa-style of referencing since this is highly recommended by my university.

\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{report}
\addbibresource{library.bib} % with extension

The small code hereabove can perfectly generate me the apa-style that I would like, however, I would like to add numbers to each entry in the bibliography since I am using numbers to reference in the text. This would make everything more clear to the reader. After some thorough googling I have not yet found an answer to this solution, I hope it is very simple.

Best Answer

The APA style is not a numeric kind of style and you will most certainly forego proper APA compliance with this. You could simply look at using style=numeric all along.

But if you really want an APA-like numeric bibliography, use

\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{report}




bibliography page of the MWE