[Tex/LaTex] Modifying in-text citation and bibliography with biblatex/biber (apa-style)


Concerning the citation and bibliography of my thesis, some issues I could solve myself, with others I got help. But here are two aspects, which I'd like to change, but I couldn't figure them out on my own:

  1. I'd like the abbreviation to »et al.« for more than two authors in all in-text citations, beginning with the first mention. Currently on first mention it will look like »Author A / Author B / Author C 2000« and from second mention like »Author A et al. 2000«. Is there a modification available?

  2. I'd like to add »S.« (german abbreviation for »Seite«, meaning »Page«) in all the citations of journals in the bibliography. It should look similar to book chapters. Is there a way to add that?

I'm using APA-Style with biber as backend for biblatex. All help is much appreciated.


\usepackage[left=3cm, right=2cm, bottom=3cm, top=2cm]{geometry}
\usepackage[english,ngerman]{babel} % Sprachpakete
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}         % Direkte Eingabe von Umlauten
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}            % Worttrennung bei Umlauten
\usepackage{microtype}              % Verbesserter Randausgleich
\usepackage{textcomp}               % Zusätzliche Sonderzeichen
\usepackage{graphicx}               % Einbindung Grafik
% Anführungszeichen
% ***** Bibliographie und Zitation *****
style           = apa,
sorting         = nyt,
sortcites       = true,
autocite        = inline,
maxbibnames     = 99,
maxcitenames    = 2,
backend         = biber,
bibliography    = totoc,
isbn            = false,
doi             = true,
urldate         = short
andothers = {{et\,al\adddot}},             
% remove comma in (Beadle and Tautum, 1941) This applies to citation only
% change delimiters
% Umbrüche in URL und DOI bei Zahlen zulassen
\setcounter{biburlnumpenalty}{100}  % allow breaks at numbers
% Reihen in Bibliographie
% name sort always last, first
% Anpassungen um Schriftenreihe mit Nummer vor Ort und Verlag zu platzieren
% Eintragsart Bericht (report) Anpassung
% bei allen Eintragsarten andere Editortypen missachten
    {\global\clearname{editor}\typeout{delete editor (type: redactor) in \thefield{citekey}}}{}%
    {\global\clearname{editora}\typeout{delete editora (type: redactor) in \thefield{citekey}}}{}%
    {\global\clearname{editorb}\typeout{delete editorb (type: redactor) in \thefield{citekey}}}{}%
    {\global\clearname{editorc}\typeout{delete editorc (type: redactor) in \thefield{citekey}}}{}%
% Alle Zitate in Kurzform (ab 3 Autoren et al.), bereits ab erster Nennung
langid = {Deutsch},
location = {{Berlin}},
title = {Fortgeschrittene Multivariate Analysemethoden \textemdash{} Eine anwendungsorientierte Einf{\"u}hrung},
edition = {3., {\"u}berarb. u. akt. Aufl.},
isbn = {978-3-662-46086-3},
publisher = {{Springer Gabler}},
date = {2015},
author = {Backhaus, Klaus and Erichson, Bernd and Weiber, Rolf}
langid = {Deutsch},
location = {{Berlin}},
title = {Multivariate Analysemethoden \textemdash{} Eine anwendungsorientierte Einf{\"u}hrung},
edition = {14., {\"u}berarb. u. akt. Aufl.},
isbn = {978-3-662-46075-7},
publisher = {{Springer Gabler}},
date = {2016},
author = {Backhaus, Klaus and Erichson, Bernd and Plinke, Wulff and Weiber, Rolf}
langid = {Englisch},
location = {{Evanston$\backslash$IL}},
title = {How To: Use the psych package for Factor Analysis and data reduction},
url = {http://personality-project.org/r/psych/HowTo/factor.pdf},
institution = {{Department of Psychology, Northwestern University}},
urldate = {2018-07-01},
date = {2017},
author = {Revelle, William}
langid = {Englisch},
location = {{Chichester}},
title = {Reliability},
volume = {2},
isbn = {978-1-118-48977-2},
volumes = {2},
booktitle = {The Wiley Handbook of Psychometric Testing \textemdash{} A Multidisciplinary Reference on Survey, Scale and Test Development},
publisher = {{J. Wiley \& Sons}},
date = {2018},
pages = {709-749},
author = {Revelle, William and Condon, David M.},
editor = {Irwing, Paul and Booth, Tom and Hughes, David J.},
doi = {10.1002/9781118489772.ch23}
langid = {Englisch},
title = {Coefficients Alpha, Beta, Omega, and the GLB \textemdash{} Comments on Sijtsma},
volume = {74},
issn = {0033-3123, 1860-0980},
doi = {10.1007/s11336-008-9102-z},
shorttitle = {Coefficients Alpha, Beta, Omega, and the glb},
number = {1},
journaltitle = {Psychometrika},
date = {2009},
pages = {145-154},
author = {Revelle, William and Zinbarg, Richard E.}
langid = {Englisch},
title = {Problematic Standard Errors and Confidence Intervals for Skewness and Kurtosis},
volume = {43},
issn = {1554-3528},
doi = {10.3758/s13428-010-0044-x},
number = {1},
journaltitle = {Behavior Research Methods},
date = {2011},
pages = {8-17},
author = {Wright, Daniel B. and Herrington, Joshua A.}
% ******************* T E X T *******************%
Source 1: \cite[8]{Wright.Herrington_2011}
Source 2: \cite[154]{Revelle.Zinbarg_2009}
Source 3: \cite{Revelle_2017b}
Source 4: \cite{Backhaus.etal_2016}
Source 5: \cite{Backhaus.etal_2015}
Source 6: \cite{Backhaus.etal_2016}
Source 7: \cite{Backhaus.etal_2015}
Source 8: \cite{Revelle.Condon_2018}

Best Answer

Point 2 should be as easy as


Point 1 is more complicated. Given that you are already deviating far from APA style, it might be worth a try to just load the standard authoryear style for citations

style           = apa,
citestyle       = authoryear,

The fact that you then still don't get "First Author et al." in your MWE is due to Set limit to one author when using "et al." in biblatex.

\usepackage[left=3cm, right=2cm, bottom=3cm, top=2cm]{geometry}
\usepackage[english,ngerman]{babel} % Sprachpakete
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}         % Direkte Eingabe von Umlauten
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}            % Worttrennung bei Umlauten
\usepackage{microtype}              % Verbesserter Randausgleich
% Anführungszeichen
% ***** Bibliographie und Zitation *****
style           = apa,
citestyle       = authoryear,
sorting         = nyt,
sortcites       = true,
autocite        = inline,
citetracker     = false,
maxbibnames     = 99,
maxcitenames    = 2,
backend         = biber,
bibliography    = totoc,
isbn            = false,
doi             = true,
urldate         = short
  andothers = {{et\,al\adddot}},
% remove comma in (Beadle and Tautum, 1941) This applies to citation only
% change delimiters
% since the delimiters use several contexts, some format clearing needs to happen

% Umbrüche in URL und DOI bei Zahlen zulassen
\setcounter{biburlnumpenalty}{100}  % allow breaks at numbers
% Reihen in Bibliographie
% name sort always last, first

% Anpassungen um Schriftenreihe mit Nummer vor Ort und Verlag zu platzieren
% Eintragsart Bericht (report) Anpassung
% bei allen Eintragsarten andere Editortypen missachten
    {\global\clearname{editor}\typeout{delete editor (type: redactor) in \thefield{citekey}}}{}%
    {\global\clearname{editora}\typeout{delete editora (type: redactor) in \thefield{citekey}}}{}%
    {\global\clearname{editorb}\typeout{delete editorb (type: redactor) in \thefield{citekey}}}{}%
    {\global\clearname{editorc}\typeout{delete editorc (type: redactor) in \thefield{citekey}}}{}%
% Alle Zitate in Kurzform (ab 3 Autoren et al.), bereits ab erster Nennung



  langid    = {ngerman},
  location  = {Berlin},
  title     = {Fortgeschrittene Multivariate Analysemethoden},
  subtitle  = {Eine anwendungsorientierte Einf{\"u}hrung},
  edition   = {3., {\"u}berarb. u. akt. Aufl.},
  isbn      = {978-3-662-46086-3},
  publisher = {Springer Gabler},
  date      = {2015},
  author    = {Backhaus, Klaus and Erichson, Bernd and Weiber, Rolf}
  langid    = {ngerman},
  location  = {Berlin},
  title     = {Multivariate Analysemethoden},
  subtitle  = {Eine anwendungsorientierte Einf{\"u}hrung},
  edition   = {14., {\"u}berarb. u. akt. Aufl.},
  isbn      = {978-3-662-46075-7},
  publisher = {Springer Gabler},
  date      = {2016},
  author    = {Backhaus, Klaus and Erichson, Bernd and Plinke, Wulff and Weiber, Rolf}
  langid      = {english},
  location    = {Evanston, IL},
  title       = {How To: {Use} the psych package for Factor Analysis and data reduction},
  url         = {http://personality-project.org/r/psych/HowTo/factor.pdf},
  institution = {Department of Psychology, Northwestern University},
  urldate     = {2018-07-01},
  date        = {2017},
  author      = {Revelle, William}
  langid       = {english},
  location     = {Chichester},
  title        = {Reliability},
  volume       = {2},
  isbn         = {978-1-118-48977-2},
  booktitle    = {The Wiley Handbook of Psychometric Testing},
  booksubtitle = {A Multidisciplinary Reference on Survey, Scale and Test Development},
  publisher    = {J.~Wiley \& Sons},
  date         = {2018},
  pages        = {709-749},
  author       = {Revelle, William and Condon, David M.},
  editor       = {Irwing, Paul and Booth, Tom and Hughes, David J.},
  doi          = {10.1002/9781118489772.ch23}
  langid       = {english},
  title        = {Coefficients Alpha, Beta, Omega, and the {GLB}},
  subtitle     = {Comments on {Sijtsma}},
  volume       = {74},
  issn         = {0033-3123, 1860-0980},
  doi          = {10.1007/s11336-008-9102-z},
  number       = {1},
  journaltitle = {Psychometrika},
  date         = {2009},
  pages        = {145-154},
  author       = {Revelle, William and Zinbarg, Richard E.}
  langid       = {english},
  title        = {Problematic Standard Errors and Confidence Intervals for Skewness and Kurtosis},
  volume       = {43},
  issn         = {1554-3528},
  doi          = {10.3758/s13428-010-0044-x},
  number       = {1},
  journaltitle = {Behavior Research Methods},
  date         = {2011},
  pages        = {8-17},
  author       = {Wright, Daniel B. and Herrington, Joshua A.}
% ******************* T E X T *******************%
Source 1: \cite[8]{Wright.Herrington_2011}
Source 2: \cite[154]{Revelle.Zinbarg_2009}
Source 3: \cite{Revelle_2017b}
Source 4: \cite{Backhaus.etal_2016}
Source 5: \cite{Backhaus.etal_2015}
Source 6: \cite{Backhaus.etal_2016}
Source 7: \cite{Backhaus.etal_2015}
Source 8: \cite{Revelle.Condon_2018}


Note how I changed your .bib entries. In particular the content of the langid field must be a language name known to babel.

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