TikZ-PGF – Aligning an Enumeration Item to the Top of a TikZ Picture

#enumerateliststikz-pgfvertical alignment

I've drawn a tree using pgf/tikz and am trying to place it in an enumerated list. A snippet of my complete code is as follows:

\subsection*{Problem 2}
\item Max heap
\begin{tikzpicture}[level/.style={sibling distance=50mm/#1}]
\node [circle,draw] (z){98}
  child {node [circle,draw] (a) {80}
    child {node [circle,draw] (b) {23}
      child {node [circle,draw] (c) {18}}
      child {node [circle,draw] (d) {21}}
    child {node [circle,draw] (g) {48}}
  child {node [circle,draw] (j) {79}
    child {node [circle,draw] (k) {76}}
    child {node [circle,draw] (l) {29}}

My problem is the list number is aligned with the bottom of the tikzpicture. How would I go about aligning it with the top of the tikzpicture?

Best Answer

Here is one way:

\item \leavevmode\vadjust{\vspace{-\baselineskip}}\newline