[Tex/LaTex] Adding arrows to switches


I would like to add arrows to my open and closed switches. What is the easiest way to do this?


\draw (0,0) to [short] (0,2)
\draw[ very thick](0.78,2)-- +(30:0.46);
\draw (1.25,2)to[short,o-](2,2)
to [short](2,0)
to [short,-o](1.25,0);
\draw [very thick] (1.22,0)--(0.77,0);
\draw (0.75,0)to [short,o-](0,0);


Switches with arrows

Best Answer

On TikZ way:


    > = {Circle[length=1.6mm,fill=white]}
\draw[->,shorten >=-0.8mm]  (0.00,0) |-   (0.75,2);
\draw[<->]                  (1.25,2) -|   (2,0) -- (1.25,0);
\draw[<-,shorten <=-0.8mm]  (0.75,0) --   (0,0);(0.75,0) --   (0,0);
\scoped[on background layer]
    \draw[very thick]   (0.75,2) -- + ( 30:0.5)
                        (1.25,0) -- + (180:0.5);
\draw[-{Straight Barb[]}]% arrows of switch   
    (0.75,2) + (+45:0.25) arc (45:-45:2.5mm);
\draw[-{Straight Barb[]}]% arrows of switch 
    (0.75,0) + (-45:0.25) arc (-45:45:2.5mm);


enter image description here

Supplement: For arrows with triangle shape you can select one of many oprions, which offer arrows.meta library. With help of library bending you can add to arrows option flex, which better determine direction of arrow's head:


    > = {Circle[length=1.6mm,fill=white]}
\draw[->,shorten >=-0.8mm]  (0.00,0) |-   (0.75,2);
\draw[<->]                  (1.25,2) -|   (2,0) -- (1.25,0);
\draw[<-,shorten <=-0.8mm]  (0.75,0) --   (0,0);
\scoped[on background layer]
    \draw[very thick]   (0.75,2) -- + ( 30:0.5)
                        (1.25,0) -- + (180:0.5);
    (0.75,2) + (+60:0.3) arc (60:-45:3mm);
    (0.75,0) + (-45:0.3) arc (-45:45:3mm);

Above code generate the following picture:

enter image description here