[Tex/LaTex] Drawing switches in circuitikz with connectors (dots)


I'm trying to draw an example of the logical operation of a logic gate for an analog electronics report.
In the following code:

\draw (-3,0) to[battery] (-3,2);
\draw (-3,2) to[switch=${\rm s_1}$] (-1,2);
\draw (-1,2) to[switch=${\rm s_2}$] (1,2);
\draw (1,2) -- (1,2);
\draw (1,2) to[lamp=L] (1,0);
\draw (1,0) -- (-3,0);
\draw (-0.8,0) node[anchor=north] {$s_1$ \underline{and} $s_2=$ L};
\draw (0.62,1) node[anchor=east] {L};

I noticed that if I try and use to to[short, -*] for a connector before the switch command it disrupts the positioning of the switch itself. Is there a way to have connectors (black dots) at the base of the line where the switch would be connected?

M. Redaelli–

Hi, thank you for your answer. I tried the ospst command when i first compiled the image, but i wanted the arrows removed and the connectors in at the base of the line. I asked a question about removing the arrows and someone replied. He created the following:

%macro for switches without the arrows (cspst) and (ospst)
%create the shape
\pgfcircdeclarebipole{}{\ctikzvalof{bipoles/interr/height 2}}{spst}{\ctikzvalof


%make the shape accessible with nice syntax
\tikzset{switch/.style = {\circuitikzbasekey, /tikz/to path=\pgf@circ@spst@path, l=#1}}
\tikzset{spst/.style = {switch = #1}}

which worked well for the switch without the arrow. The reason I wanted to remove the arrows and add the connectors is because I am converting one of my electronics professor's hand written notes into tex files. I just discovered tikz and circuitikz, so I am very new to these environments. As a result I have tried to create style files for such a switch but I have not been successful.

Thank you for your time,


P.S. I love CircuiTikz!

Best Answer

I think Jasper needs switches looking like the followings, but using a simple command for each one (am I right?). The nodes could be black also. Personally, I need the both.




\draw (0,0) to [V=E] (0,2)
\draw[ very thick](0.78,2)-- +(30:0.46);
\draw (1.25,2)to[short,o-](2,2)
to [C=$C$](2,0)
to [short,-o](1.25,0);
\draw [very thick] (1.22,0)--(0.77,0);
\draw (0.75,0)to [short,o-](0,0);



Which will result in:



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