[Tex/LaTex] New switches in circuitikz (no, nc)


I need different switches than the ones inside circuitikz. I have already drawed them with just some lines but I would like to use them like the other standard components in circuitikz. I only found some tutorials that adds a few lines to an existing component like an resistor but I have no idea how to add a complete new part. Maybe some of you is able to do that?

Here is my working minimal example:






% Normally Open Switch
\draw[thick] (0,0) --++(0,0.5)--++(-0.4,1) coordinate (sw)
($(sw)+(0.4,0)$) --++(0,0.5);

% Normally Closed Switch
\draw[thick] (3,0) --++(0,0.5)--++(0.4,1) coordinate (sw)
($(sw)+(-0.4,-0.4)$) --++(0,0.9) 
($(sw)+(-0.4,-0.4)$) --++(0.4,0);



The result:

This is how it looks like

I would like to get the same result with this:






% Normally Open Switch
\draw (0,0) to[nos] (0,2);

% Normally Closed Switch
\draw (3,0) to[ncs] (3,2);



Thank you!

Best Answer

I used the same height, width and depth parameters for the Offner and Schliesser.





\compattikzset{nos/.style = {\circuitikzbasekey, /tikz/to path=\nospath, l=#1}}

\compattikzset{ncs/.style = {\circuitikzbasekey, /tikz/to path=\ncspath, l=#1}}



% Normally Open Switch
\draw (0,0) to[nos] (0,2);

% Normally Closed Switch
\draw (3,0) to[ncs] (3,2);


