Shift curly braces


I want to shift the curly brace of this tikz to the right, but it doesnt seem to work with xshift. How can I achieve this ? This is my code and at the bottom I added a picture of the tikz with the result I am trying to achieve.




    \xdefinecolor{darkgreen}{RGB}{76, 153, 0}
    \xdefinecolor{darkblue}{RGB}{0, 102, 204}
    \tikzstyle{block_blue} = [rectangle,fill=darkblue!20, draw=black, thick, align=center,minimum height=4ex, minimum width = 8.5em,rounded corners]
    \tikzstyle{block_green} = [rectangle,fill=darkgreen!30, draw=black, thick, align=center ,minimum height=4ex, minimum width = 8.5em,rounded corners]
    \tikzstyle{block_orange} = [rectangle,fill=orange!20, draw=black, thick, align=center ,minimum height=4ex, minimum width = 8.5em,rounded corners]
    \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, thick, -latex', shorten >=0pt]

    \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3.5em]
        \node[block_green](1) {Modell erstellen}; 
        \node[block_orange,right of=1,xshift=3.5cm](2) {TensorFlow,\\PyTorch,\\Caffe};
        \node[block_green,below of=1] (3){AI Optimierer};
        \node[block_green,below of=3] (4){AI Quantisierer};
        \node[block_green,below of=4] (5){AI Kompilierer};
        \node[block_blue,below of=5] (6){Kompiliertes Modell};
        \draw (1) [line]-- (3);
        \draw (3) [line]-- (4);
        \draw (4) [line]-- (5);
        \draw (5) [line]-- (6);
        \draw (2) [line]-- (1);

        \draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=5pt,raise=2ex},xshift=3cm](3.north)--node[block_orange, xshift=2.5cm]{Vitis AI}(5.south);

        \caption{Vitis AI Workflow}


enter image description here

Best Answer

That is what raise is for.

\documentclass[tikz, border=1cm]{standalone}
\xdefinecolor{darkgreen}{RGB}{76, 153, 0}
\xdefinecolor{darkblue}{RGB}{0, 102, 204}
\tikzstyle{block_blue} = [rectangle,fill=darkblue!20, draw=black, thick, align=center,minimum height=4ex, minimum width = 8.5em,rounded corners]
\tikzstyle{block_green} = [rectangle,fill=darkgreen!30, draw=black, thick, align=center ,minimum height=4ex, minimum width = 8.5em,rounded corners]
\tikzstyle{block_orange} = [rectangle,fill=orange!20, draw=black, thick, align=center ,minimum height=4ex, minimum width = 8.5em,rounded corners]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, thick, -Stealth, shorten >=0pt]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3.5em]
\node[block_green](1) {Modell erstellen}; 
\node[block_orange,right of=1,xshift=3.5cm](2) {TensorFlow,\\PyTorch,\\Caffe};
\node[block_green,below of=1] (3){AI Optimierer};
\node[block_green,below of=3] (4){AI Quantisierer};
\node[block_green,below of=4] (5){AI Kompilierer};
\node[block_blue,below of=5] (6){Kompiliertes Modell};
\draw (1) [line]-- (3);
\draw (3) [line]-- (4);
\draw (4) [line]-- (5);
\draw (5) [line]-- (6);
\draw (2) [line]-- (1);
\draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=5pt, raise=2cm}](3.north)--node[block_orange, xshift=4cm]{Vitis AI}(5.south);

Block diagram with arrows and a brace