Problem Embedding Angle into TikZ Pic


I am trying to create a pic that includes an angle pic from the angles library using TikZ. The error I get is

! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [grouping levels=255].
<argument> {x1}\endcsname }{center}{
                                                  \pgfsettransform {\csname ...
l.18 ...pic text=$\alpha$] {my angle={x1}{x2}{x3}}
                                                  ; % does not work
If you really absolutely need more capacity,
you can ask a wizard to enlarge me.

I have not been able to resolve this issue. How can I draw the angle within my own pic?

Here's the MWE:

            pics/my angle/.style n args={3}{
                code = {
                    \draw (#1) -- (#2) -- (#3);
                    \pic [draw] {angle=#1--#2--#3}; % offending line
        \coordinate (x1) at (-1, 0);
        \coordinate (x2) at (0, 0);
        \coordinate (x3) at (-0.5, -0.5);
        \pic[pic text=$\alpha$] {my angle={x1}{x2}{x3}}; % does not work
%        \pic [draw] {angle=x1--x2--x3}; % this does draw the angle

Best Answer

The problem is that the angle pic works with foreground code and background code, and this does for some reason not like to get nested into a "normal" code. However, you can use e.g. foreground code to nest the angle pic in your my angle pic.

        \tikzset{pics/my angle/.style n args={3}{
                setup code  ={},
                background code ={},
                foreground code = {\pic [draw] 
                        {angle=#1--#2--#3}; % no longer offending 
                code = {
                    \draw (#1) -- (#2) -- (#3);
        \coordinate (x1) at (-1, 0);
        \coordinate (x2) at (0, 0);
        \coordinate (x3) at (-0.5, -0.5);
        \pic[pic text=$\alpha$] 
        {my angle={x1}{x2}{x3}}; %  works now

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