Position a node relative to two other nodes in Tikz


I am very new to Tikz and am trying to draw a diagram with 5 nodes. My code is as follows:

\usetikzlibrary{automata, arrows, positioning}


\tikzset{node distance = 3 cm, every state/.style = {semithick}, every edge/.style = {draw, ->, > = stealth', semithick}}

\node[state] (2) {2};
\node[state, right = of 2] (3) {3};
\node[state, below right = of 2] (1) {1};
\node[state, below left = of 1] (4) {4};
\node[state, below right = of 1] (5) {5};



The problem here is that I would like node 1 to be exactly below and in the middle nodes 2 and 3, so I am trying to code something like \node[state, below right = of 2 and below left = of 3] (1) {1}. However, this does not work.

How can I amend my code to achieve this?

Best Answer

using calc library define a point between 3 and 2 called a

enter image description here

\usetikzlibrary{automata, arrows, positioning, calc}


\tikzset{node distance = 3 cm, every state/.style = {semithick}, every edge/.style = {draw, ->, > = stealth', semithick}}

\node[state] (2) {2};
\node[state, right = of 2] (3) {3};
\coordinate(a) at ($(2)!0.5!(3)$);
\node[state, below= of a] (1) {1};
\node[state, below left = of 1] (4) {4};
\node[state, below right = of 1] (5) {5};

