Voltage Sign Customization – How to Make Plus/Minus Signs Bolder in Circuit Diagrams with TikZ


How can I make the voltage plus/minus signs bolder?

The setting circuitikz/voltage/american font=\boldmath works, but it is not bold enough.
It would be nice if there is something which can be placed and applied whenever I create a new components without having to specify coordinate and place them myself.

(Please check the boldness of the voltage plus/minus signs only in the image below.)

Enter image description here

And the plus/minus sign inside the voltage source as well:

Enter image description here

\documentclass[tikz, border=1cm]{standalone}
\usepackage[american, siunitx]{circuitikz}

\begin{tikzpicture}[ ultra thick]
 circuitikz/voltage/american font=\boldmath
 \draw (7,0) to [
R=R1, v=V1] ++(3,0) node[right]  {boldmath};
\draw [yshift=-2cm] (7,0) to [
R=R1, v=V1] ++(3,0) node[right]  {default};

Best Answer

The matter would be to find a font with a suitable boldness for you, and then use the keys to change the default chars.

Otherwise, you can build your symbols with basic TeX rules or, if you like, with picture mode (do not use a tikzpicture though):

\documentclass[tikz, border=1cm]{standalone}
    \usepackage[american, siunitx]{circuitikz}

    \vrule width 8pt height 5pt depth -3pt\relax
    \kern-5pt\vrule width 2pt height 8pt\kern3pt\relax
    \vrule width 8pt height 5pt depth -3pt\relax
\ctikzset{voltage/american plus=\pluuus}
\ctikzset{voltage/american minus=\miiinus}
\ctikzset{bipoles/vsourceam/inner plus=\pluuus}
\ctikzset{bipoles/vsourceam/inner minus=\miiinus}


    \draw (0,0) to [cute inductor, v^=$V_L$] ++(3,0);
    \draw (0,0) to [V, l=V, invert] ++(0,3);
    % go back to standard, check alignement
    \ctikzset{voltage/american plus=$+$}
    \ctikzset{voltage/american minus=$-$}
    \draw [thin, red, dashed] (0,0) to[cute inductor, v^=$V_L$] ++(3,0);  


enter image description here

The relevant part in the manual is

enter image description here

and for the voltage generator symbol

enter image description here