Labels above error bars


Can someone help me to place these labels above the error bars? And is there any option to show the SDs besides the label?



    ybar, axis on top,
    height=11cm, width=14.5cm,
    bar width=0.4cm,
    enlarge y limits={value=.1,upper},
    ymin=25, ymax=400,
    axis x line*=bottom,
    axis y line*=left,
    y axis line style={opacity=0},
    enlarge x limits=true,
major grid style={lines,lightgray},
    legend style={
        legend columns=5,
        /tikz/every even column/.append style={column sep=0.5cm}},
    ylabel=\textbf{Weekly accumulated load (\% of match)},
    symbolic x coords={TD (m),HSR (m),SPR (m),Acc. (\#),Dec. (\#)},
ticklabel style={/pgf/number format/.cd, use comma, 1000 sep = {}},
    nodes near coords,
nodes near coords align={vertical},
nodes near coords={\pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu}\pgfmathparse{\pgfplotspointmeta}\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}\,\%},
 every node near coord/.append style={font=\scriptsize, rotate=0, yshift=20},
every axis legend/.append style={font=\scriptsize}],
    \addplot[draw=none, postaction={pattern=north east lines}, fill=white, error bars/.cd,y dir=both,y explicit,error bar style={line width=0.1pt}]
        (TD (m), 225) +- (TD (m),24)
        (HSR (m),142) +- (HSR (m),31)
        (SPR (m), 235) +- (SPR (m),54)
        (Acc. (\#), 279) +- (Acc. (\#),38)
        (Dec. (\#), 225) +- (Dec. (\#),56)
    \addplot[draw=none, postaction={pattern=dots},fill=gray, pattern color= black,error bars/.cd,y dir=both,y explicit,error bar style={line width=0.1pt}]
         coordinates {
         (TD (m), 190) +- (TD (m),18)
         (HSR (m),88) +- (HSR (m),20) 
         (SPR (m), 112) +- (SPR (m),28) 
         (Acc. (\#), 247) +- (Acc. (\#),40) 
         (Dec. (\#), 188) +- (Dec. (\#),33)
    \addplot[draw=none, fill=black, error bars/.cd,y dir=both,y explicit,error bar style={line width=0.1pt}]
         coordinates {
         (TD (m), 190) +- (TD (m),11) 
         (HSR (m),123) +- (HSR (m),21) 
         (SPR (m), 169) +- (SPR (m),39)  
         (Acc. (\#), 212) +- (Acc. (\#),29) 
         (Dec. (\#), 158) +- (Dec. (\#),30)
    \addplot[draw=none, fill=lightgray, error bars/.cd,y dir=both,y explicit, error bar style={line width=0.1pt}]
         coordinates {
         (TD (m), 199) +- (TD (m),17) 
         (HSR (m),103) +- (HSR (m),21) 
         (SPR (m), 116) +- (SPR (m),25) 
         (Acc. (\#), 253) +- (Acc. (\#),30) 
         (Dec. (\#), 169) +- (Dec. (\#),18)
        \legend{CB, WB, CM, CF}


enter image description here

Best Answer

This is a solution based on and

I have moved your data into pgfplotstable tables, such that the data can be referenced in visualization depends on.

Unfortunately, this only works up to compat=1.10.


\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{
X, Y, E
TD (m), 225, 24
HSR (m),142, 31
SPR (m), 235, 54
Acc. (\#), 279, 38
Dec. (\#), 225, 56

\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{
X, Y, E
TD (m), 190, 18
HSR (m),88, 20
SPR (m), 112, 28
Acc. (\#), 247, 40
Dec. (\#), 188, 33

\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{
X, Y, E
TD (m), 190, 11
HSR (m),123, 21
SPR (m), 169, 39
Acc. (\#), 212, 29
Dec. (\#), 158, 30

\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{
X, Y, E
TD (m), 199, 17
HSR (m),103, 21
SPR (m), 116, 25
Acc. (\#), 253, 30
Dec. (\#), 169, 18


    ybar, axis on top,
    height=11cm, width=19cm,
    bar width=0.6cm,
    enlarge y limits={value=.1,upper},
    ymin=25, ymax=400,
    axis x line*=bottom,
    axis y line*=left,
    y axis line style={opacity=0},
    enlarge x limits=true,
    major grid style={lightgray},
    legend style={
        legend columns=5,
        /tikz/every even column/.append style={column sep=0.5cm}},
    ylabel=\textbf{Weekly accumulated load (\% of match)},
    symbolic x coords={TD (m),HSR (m),SPR (m),Acc. (\#),Dec. (\#)},
    ticklabel style={/pgf/number format/.cd, use comma, 1000 sep = {}},
    nodes near coords,
    nodes near coords align={vertical},
    nodes near coords={\pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu}\pgfmathparse{\pgfplotspointmeta}\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}\,\%},
    visualization depends on=\thisrow{E} \as \sd,
    every node near coord/.append style={
    every axis legend/.append style={font=\scriptsize}
    \addplot[draw=none, postaction={pattern=north east lines}, fill=white, error bars/.cd,y dir=both,y explicit,error bar style={line width=0.1pt}]
        table[x=X,y=Y,y error=E] {\tA};
    \addplot[draw=none, postaction={pattern=dots},fill=gray, pattern color= black,error bars/.cd,y dir=both,y explicit,error bar style={line width=0.1pt}]
        table[x=X,y=Y,y error=E] {\tB};
    \addplot[draw=none, fill=black, error bars/.cd,y dir=both,y explicit,error bar style={line width=0.1pt}]
        table[x=X,y=Y,y error=E] {\tC};
    \addplot[draw=none, fill=lightgray, error bars/.cd,y dir=both,y explicit, error bar style={line width=0.1pt}]
        table[x=X,y=Y,y error=E] {\tD};
    \legend{CB, WB, CM, CF}


enter image description here

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