[Tex/LaTex] tikzpicture – error bars


I am writing up a figure and I need the error bar associated to each point, I have the following:

    \datavisualization[visualize as smooth line/.list={lac10},
    scientific axes={clean},
    legend={at={(0.5,5)},anchor=north west},
    x axis={length=50mm,ticks={major={tick text padding=.5ex},node style={scale=1},minor steps between steps=1,step=2},label={Days}, include value={0,22}},
    y axis={length=50mm,ticks={major={tick text padding=.5ex},node style={scale=1},minor steps between steps=1,step=3},label={Laccase activity [U/g$_{ds}$]}, include value={0,33},},
    lac10={style={mark=*,mark size=1pt,mark options={solid,black},color=black},label in legend={text={\tiny 10.0 g}}},

        0, 0, 0
        2, 0.2559, 0.0603
        4, 3.6438, 0.2075
        6, 8.0834, 0.6724
        8, 9.3111, 0.7168
        10, 3.3177, 0.2275
        12, 1.6083, 0.0820
        14, 26.0593, 1.5983
        16, 29.4135, 1.5789
        18, 24.3474, 1.3521
        20, 13.6993, 1.0829


At the end I don't get the error bars, just the points, I would like to know what do I miss or What do I have to add to the code. I would really appreciate all your suggestions.

Best Answer

Looking at the manual I couldn't see an easy way to do this without writing a custom visualizer.

However, PGFplots can produce something reasonably similar quite easily:

\begin{axis}[ymin=0, ymax=33, 
  ytick={0,3,...,33}, ytick align=outside, ytick pos=left,
  xtick={0,2,...,22}, xtick align=outside, xtick pos=left,
  ylabel={Laccase activity [U/g$_{ds}$]},
  legend pos=north west,
  legend style={draw=none}]
  black, mark options={black, scale=0.75},
  error bars/.cd, 
    y fixed,
    y dir=both, 
    y explicit
] table [x=x, y=y,y error=error, col sep=comma] {
    x,  y,       error
    0,  0,       0
    2,  0.2559,  0.0603
    4,  3.6438,  0.2075
    6,  8.0834,  0.6724
    8,  9.3111,  0.7168
    10, 3.3177,  0.2275
    12, 1.6083,  0.0820
    14, 26.0593, 1.5983
    16, 29.4135, 1.5789
    18, 24.3474, 1.3521
    20, 13.6993, 1.0829
\addlegendentry{10.0 g}

enter image description here

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