Incorrect quote format with IEEE style and Spanish babel


I'm using LaTeX for the first time and I'm having some problems with the citations. Specifically, I have to use IEEE citation style in Spanish, and websites are giving me headaches. I would like to achieve something similar to this:

enter image description here

i.e. print a website reference with no authors, title enclosed in double quote marks, website's name in italics, year of publication and [Online]. Avalilable: should be equivalent to [En línea]. Disponible en:. However, right now I'm using \usepackage[style=ieee]{biblatex} and \usepackage[spanish]{babel}, and this is the result I'm getting, totally different to what I was expecting:

enter image description here

This is my .bib file:

    title = {{Freno de disco}},
    organization = {{Wikipedia}},
    url = "",
    year = 2016,
    urldate = {2016-06-27}

And a MWE:

\documentclass [11pt]{article}



I've tried a lot of different things and I couldn't get any close to the expected result. I don't mind replacing biblatex with bibtex, or modifying the IEEE style file, but I would need some instructions on how to change it. I'm using Overleaf with XeLaTeX. If you need more info, please ask me.

Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

The problem is that you are using one style (IEEE style), and you want a different style. Except for the quotation marks, the format that you get, is the one intended by IEEE (see misc entry here).

If you want to use double quotes instead of guillemets, just do not use the csquotes package, or pass the style=english option so that csquotes does not use the sytle taken from babel.

\documentclass [11pt]{article}
\usepackage[spanish, es-noquoting]{babel}


    title = {{Freno de disco}},
    organization = {{Wikipedia}},
    url = "",
    year = 2016,
    urldate = {2016-06-27}


enter image description here

If you want to modify the translation of "Available", you can use the biblatex command \DefineBibliographyStrings in the preamble:

  url = {[En línea]. Disponible en:},

You have the details here (section 3.10)

Finally, if you want to custom the formatting of some fields, you must read here. For example:

\documentclass [11pt]{article}

\usepackage[spanish, es-noquoting]{babel}

  url = {[En línea]. Disponible en:},


    title = {{Freno de disco}},
    organization = {{Wikipedia}},
    url = "",
    year = 2016,
    urldate = {2016-06-27}


enter image description here

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