[Tex/LaTex] URLDATE format issue


I have a complex document using a modified version of the bib style IEEEtran.bst, which can be found here: https://github.com/ionaic/bibtex-ieeetran-urldate

I think I am using bibtex, but it could be biblatex, I'm not sure the difference.

My problem is that when the bibliography is generated the urldate displays as "2016-02-03".
I want it to be displayed as "February 3, 2016"

Here is a MWEB. You'll have to download IEEEtran.bst (from the link above) and put it in your directory, but this should work:

\documentclass[12pt, onecolumn, twoside, notitlepage, openany]{book}


        title = {{{IEEE Citation Reference}}},
        timestamp = {2016-02-03T19:11:17Z},
        urldate = {2016-02-03},
        author = {MR, Surname and TA, Xyz},

    %Citations and text here


My preamble DOES NOT INCLUDE: \usepackage{biblatex} or similar. I tried adding the following to my preamble from previous investigation of this issue, but it broke my document:



Samcarter helped me out here. If you have a large auto-generating library like I do, the only automated way to do this is to edit the IEEEtranURLdate.bst file to include the date format. Here is the exact section of the code including my edit:


FUNCTION {format.urldate}
{ is.use.url
  { urldate empty$
    { "" }
    { this.to.prev.status
      cap.yes  'status.cap :=
      " (" name.urldate.prefix * " \DTMdate{" * urldate * "})" *
      punct.period 'this.status.punct :=
      %use this line if you want the url to have a period after it before the date accessed
      %punct.period 'prev.status.punct :=
      space.normal 'this.status.space :=
      quote.no 'this.status.quote :=

As samcarter said, you have to add this to the BST file: \DTMdate{" * urldate * "} and of course, you need to put \usepackage[english]{datetime2} in the preamble.

Best Answer

You could use the datetime2 package and add \DTMdate{...} to your .bib file:

\documentclass[12pt, onecolumn, twoside, notitlepage, openany]{book}

  title = {{{IEEE Citation Reference}}},
  timestamp = {2016-02-03T19:11:17Z},
  urldate = {\DTMdate{2016-02-03}},
  author = {MR, Surname and TA, Xyz},





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