TikZ-PGF Diagrams – How to Draw Thales Circle with Marked Angles


I want to draw this picture: Thales circle

This is what I have so far:




\coordinate (S) at (0,0); %does nothing
\draw (0,0) circle (2cm);
\draw (-2,0)  -- (2,0);




I'm sorry, I'm new to tikz, so sorry for my basic question. Can anyone please help?

Best Answer

Here is a solution with pstricks:

\documentclass[border=10pt, svgnames]{standalone}


\pnodes(-2,0){A}(2,0){B}(2;120){C}(0,0){S} \uput[dr](S){$S$}
\psset{LabelSep=0.4, MarkAngleRadius=0.6, linecolor=LightSeaGreen}
\psset{linecolor=DeepSkyBlue, MarkAngleRadius=0.9, LabelSep=0.7}


enter image description here