Draw curved line in tikz connecting north and south side of a node


I am trying to draw a curved line connecting the north and south side of a tikz node. Currently, the code snippet below shows my rather simplistic attempt with discontinuities between the three paths. Is there a way to easily draw lines starting from the north side of the node rectangle to its south side, for a given x-coordinate (here x=-1.0)?



  \node[minimum width=5cm, minimum height=0.5cm, draw] (rectangle) at (0,0) {};
  \path[line width=1mm] (-1.0, 0.25) edge [bend left] (-0.8, 0.35);
  \path[line width=1mm] (-0.8, 0.35) edge[bend left] (-0.8, -0.35);
  \path[line width=1mm] (-0.8, -0.35) edge[bend left] (-1.0, -0.25);


Best Answer

You can use invclip style to define a non drawn area over which you draw the elipse. It's important to define the area from top west corner to south east corner.


\tikzset{invclip/.style={clip,insert path={{[reset cm]
        (-\maxdimen,-\maxdimen) rectangle (\maxdimen,\maxdimen)}}}}


  \node[minimum width=5cm, minimum height=0.5cm, draw] (rectangle) at (0,0) {};
  \draw (-1, 0.25) arc[start angle={180-\angle}, end angle={-180+\angle}, y radius=0.35, x radius=0.2];

            \path[invclip] (0.6,0|-rectangle.north) rectangle (1,0|-rectangle.south);
        \draw[blue] (1,0) circle[x radius=0.2, y radius= 0.35];  



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