Draw a bordered box around a filled box with TikZ


I am desperately trying to draw two boxes, with some right aligned text which should eventually resemble a progress bar. My problem is that there is some space between the outer and the inner rectangle which I cannot get rid of. If I set the minimum height large enough the box align at least vertically. That is my minimum height (width) is too small. Ideally I want to set the height such that the text fits with the default inner sep and the width should be \dimexpr.7\linewidth\relax


\pagecolor{black!10} %% just to see the gap a bit better



        minimum width=\dimexpr\mywidth+\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/inner xsep}\relax,
        minimum height=\myheight] (inner){};
        very thick,
        minimum width=\mywidth,
        text width=\mywidth,
        minimum height=\myheight,
        align=right] (main) at (inner.west) {\hfill TEXTy};

        minimum width=\mywidth,
        minimum height=\myheight] (inner){};
        very thick,
        minimum width=\mywidth,
        text width=\mywidth,
        minimum height=\myheight,
        align=right] (main) at (inner.west) {\hfill TEXT};

Unwanted Gap between TikZ Rectangles

Best Answer

I guessing that you looking for the following:

enter image description here


\tikzset{myBOX/.style = {
  box/.style = {draw=blue,very thick,
                text width=\dimexpr0.5\linewidth
                                -2\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/inner xsep},
                minimum height=##1, align=right}
        }% end of tikzset

\node[box=\baselineskip]    {TEXTy};

\node[box=5cm]          {TEXT};

Addendum: I must confess that I have problems to figured out what is your problem. As You emphasize, that image should be something like progress bar, here is a try to mimic it:

\usetikzlibrary{fit, positioning}


\tikzset{myBOX/.style = {
box/.style args = {##1/##2}{text width=##1\boxwidth, 
                            minimum height=##2, inner ysep=2mm, inner xsep=0mm,
                            align=right, fill=yellow!30,
                    append after command={\pgfextra{\let\LN\tikzlastnode}
                       coordinate (@aux) at (\boxwidth,0)
                       node [draw=blue, line width=1mm, 
                             inner sep=0pt, fit=(\LN) (@aux)] {}
                            execute at end node=~~}
        }% end of tikzset

\node [box=0.7/\baselineskip]  {TEXTy};

\node [box=0.9/2\baselineskip]  {TEXTy};

\node [box=1/5cm]  {TEXT};

enter image description here