Centering a TikZ picture around the main area when using scope


I have a tikz picture containing scope and a textbox, located outside the main graphic (see figure below).

enter image description here

I obtained this figure with the following code:


            \node [
            above right,
            inner sep=0] (image) at (0,0) 
                x={($0.1*(image.south east)$)},
                y={($0.1*(image.north west)$)}]
                \draw[latex-, thick,black]  
                (4.2,5.7) -- (-3.2,8.5)
                node[above,black,fill=white, draw=black]{\small Left eye};
    \adjustbox{trim={0cm 0cm 0cm 0},clip}{\usebox0}
    \caption{An example image to show concept}


What I want, however, is that the whole picture would be centered around the main area (the figure of duck itself, added with includegraphics[width=7.00cm,height=4.01cm]{example-image-duck}). In other words, same type of centering as we would get without the textbox and arrow (see image below):

enter image description here

Browsing this site, I found that there are already some solutions for this problem, particularly Centering a TikZ picture around an area and also Centering a figure on tikz's x=0, not on the figure's actual center line. Yet somehow I am not able to successfully implement any of them, which is why I am asking you for help.

Best Answer

Is this what you are looking for?



            \node [inner sep=0, above right] (image) at (0,0) 
                x={($0.1*(image.south east)$)},
                y={($0.1*(image.north west)$)}]
                \draw[latex-, thick,black]  
                (4.2,5.7) -- (-3.2,8.5)
                node[above,black,fill=white, draw=black]{\small Left eye};
            \path ($(!-1!(current bounding box.west)$)% expand east border
                  ($(!-1!(current bounding box.east)$);% expand west border
    \adjustbox{trim={0cm 0cm 0cm 0},clip}{\usebox0}
    \caption{An example image to show concept}
