MATLAB: Does MATLAB crash with ‘nvoglv64.dll’ in the stack trace


I experienced a crash that results in the following crash log:
Stack Trace (from fault):
[ 0] 0x0000000160aae3ba DllMain+00065290 at C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv64.DLL+11002810 (file not found)
[ 1] 0x0000000160aad1a3 DllMain+00060659 at C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv64.DLL+10998179 (file not found)
[ 2] 0x000007fefb17e495 InitPropVariantFromCLSID+00000261 at C:\Windows\system32\propsys.dll+58517 (no debugging symbols found)
[ 3] 0x000007fefb17e713 InitPropVariantFromCLSID+00000899 at C:\Windows\system32\propsys.dll+59155 (no debugging symbols found)
[ 4] 0x000007fefb17e791 InitPropVariantFromCLSID+00001025 at C:\Windows\system32\propsys.dll+59281 (no debugging symbols found)
[ 5] 0x000007fefb182d9e PropVariantToBuffer+00001170 at C:\Windows\system32\propsys.dll+77214 (no debugging symbols found)
[ 6] 0x000007fefb1832ad PropVariantToBuffer+00002465 at C:\Windows\system32\propsys.dll+78509 (no debugging symbols found)
Why does MATLAB crash?

Best Answer

Looking at the crash logs MATLAB generated, the crash appears to be occurring in the "nvoglv64.DLL", which is a dynamically linked library from your NVidia graphics card drivers. By default MATLAB uses the OpenGL software embedded in your graphics card drivers. It is possible these crashes are in fact occurring due to graphics issues although the crash may not happen immediately.
As a troubleshooting step, you can tell MATLAB to use the OpenGL software included in the MATLAB installation to see if the crash still occurs. To do so simply execute the following command after starting MATLAB
>> opengl software
At this point, try to reproduce the crash.
If the crash still occurs, please contact MathWorks Technical Support by referring to the following link:
If the crash does not occur, it is in fact due to bugs in your graphics card drivers. At this point the best option is try upgrade to the latest drivers available in the NVidia website. Note that sometimes even the latest drivers are not bug-free. If the latest drivers in fact do not fix the crashes, please try the following workarounds:
1) Change figure renderer:  You can change the renderer MATLAB uses while opening the figure by executing the following command:
>> figure('Renderer','painters')
This will open a figure using the "painters" renderer. To facilitate this workaround, you can set the default renderer to be other than OpenGL as follows:
>> set(0,'DefaultFigureRenderer','painters');
This will tell MATLAB it should use the "painters" renderer whenever it opens a new figure. This will tell MATLAB it should use the "painters" renderer whenever it opens a new figure. Please note that another renderer, Zbuffer, is also available but only in releases prior to R2014b.
2) Use software version of OpenGL: another possible workaround is to use the earlier command to use the OpenGL software within MATLAB instead of that from your drivers. Please note that you will need to execute the "opengl software" command at the beginning of each MATLAB session as the change does not carry between sessions. 
To facilitate this, you can simply add the above command to your startup file. For information on this file, simply refer to the documentation page by executing the following command:
>> doc('startup')