MATLAB: Do I get the “LoadLibrary failed with error 126: The specified module could not be found” when using the plot command


When I try to use graphic functions such as "plot" I get a dialog box with the text:
LoadLibrary failed with error 126: The specified module could not be found
In some occasions, MATLAB also exits unexpectedly.
This issue started after updating my Operative System.

Best Answer

This issue is caused by the OpenGL renderer.
1. The recommended option is to update the graphics card drivers.
2. It is also possible to switch to OpenGL software renderer.
>> opengl software
3. If switching to OpenGL software does not work, try changing the default renderer to "Painters".
To set the default renderer to "Painters", you can copy the below line to your "startup.m" file.
>> set(0,'DefaultFigureRenderer','Painters')
For more information on the "startup.m" file, please refer to the following page in the documentation:
For more information on renderers in MATLAB, please refer to the following page in the documentation: