MATLAB: Am I getting the error message “AWT-EventQueue-0″ java.lang.​IllegalArg​umentExcep​tion: The given File must have an absolute path”


I am using the "path" function in my "startup.m" file to add a particular directory to my MATLAB path. For example :
>> path = ('\temp_folder', path);
When I click Open -> Open As Text for a particular file in that directory, I see the error message "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The given File must have an absolute path. 
Why is this? 

Best Answer

The reason this error message appears is because the "path" function was used to append a directory to the MATLAB path within the "startup.m" file. 
To append directories to the MATLAB path, use the "addpath" function instead. 
For example :
>> path = ('\temp_folder', path); % Incorrect way to add to path.
>> addpath('temp_folder'); % Correct way to add to path.