MATLAB: Where can I get “bbdlapi.jar” for MATLAB Datafeed so that it works with Bloomberg Data License

apibbdlbbdl.jarbbdlapibbdlapi.jarbloombergdataDatafeed Toolboxdlsddlspgojavalicencelicensesesupport

It mentions that in order for me to have access to Bloomberg Data License, I need to add the JAR file "bbdlapi.jar" to my MATLAB Java class path.
It also says that this file can be found in "Data License Java SE API" folder from Bloomberg, and mentions that this folder can be found by entering "DLSD <GO>" in the Bloomberg terminal.
However, I have tried that and have not managed to find this file. What can I do?

Best Answer

That is correct that the "bbdlapi.jar" is available in the "Data License Java SE API" folder, which you can download from Bloomberg by entering "DLSD <GO>".
If you are experiencing issues with getting "bbdlapi.jar" library file Due to licensing restrictions, MathWorks is unable to provide this library.
However, we recommend to contact Bloomberg's Data License support by entering "DLSP <GO>" command in the Bloomberg Terminal.
When you talk to the Bloomberg Data License support team, you can mention to them that you are using Bloomberg Data License from Java and need the API file "bbdl.jar" and "bbdlapi.jar".
Unfortunately, Bloomberg support frequently route users back to us when they hear about MATLAB without fully qualifying the question. MATLAB uses Bloomberg Data License library "bbdlapi.jar" via Java, which Bloomberg supports.