MATLAB: How to get a list of all possible strategies that can be attached to an order in the Bloomberg EMSX API

bloombergemsx;financialFinancial Toolboxtoolbox

I am using the Bloomberg EMSX API in the Financial Toolbox to send orders to my brokers.
After instantiating an order, if I try to route the order I get a message saying that a strategy is required.
How can I get a list of all possible strategies that can be attached to an order, together with a detailed description of each strategy?

Best Answer

After opening a connection to Bloomberg, you can use the function "getBrokerInfo" to obtain a list of the available strategies for a broker, as follows:
>> c = emsx('//blp/emapisvc_beta');
>> brokerstrat.EMSX_TICKER = 'ABCD US Equity';
>> brokerstrat.EMSX_BROKER = 'BMTB';
>> r = getBrokerInfo( c, brokerstrat )
The lines above return a list of the available strategies for the specified broker.
To obtain more information about a specific strategy, you can use the function "getBrokerInfo" again, as follows:
>> brokerstrat.EMSX_TICKER = 'ABCD US Equity';
>> brokerstrat.EMSX_BROKER = 'BMTB';
>> brokerstrat.EMSX_STRATEGY = 'SSP';
>> r = getBrokerInfo( c, brokerstrat )
You can find more information about the function "getBrokerInfo" at the following documentation page: