MATLAB: How to get a list of all possible fields that can be used to describe an order in the Bloomberg EMSX API

bloombergemsx;financialFinancial Toolboxtoolbox

I am trying to send orders to my brokers from MATLAB using the Bloomberg EMSX API in the Financial Toolbox.
However, I am struggling to get an overview of all the possible fields that can be used to describe an order, such as EMSX_TICKER or EMSX_SIDE .
Could you provide me with a list of the potential fields and what they all mean?

Best Answer

You can find a list of all possible fields for a Bloomberg order and their meaning at the following documentation link:

You can also use the function "getAllFieldMetaData" to visualize all fields supported by Bloomberg EMSX service using a Bloomberg EMSX connection. For example:

>> c = emsx('//blp/emapisvc_beta');
>> getAllFieldMetaData(c)

For more information about the function "getAllFieldMetaData", you may visit the following documentation page: