MATLAB: What is wrong with the MATLAB code? Can someone check it for me..? (Sum of series)

#sumofseries #homotopy

I have a problem with MATLAB coding. I'm trying to find the solution for the fractional-order equation. I already found for c0 until c3. Then I want to find sum of series as follow, and m=0,1,…,4. But I got error that said 'Index exceeds matrix dimensions'. Why this happened? And how to fix my code? I hope someone can help me.
syms x t D n h q
% Parameters needed to solve the equation
p = 0.012; % Proliferation rate (per day)
x0 = 25; % The middle of considered interval (mm)
epsilon = 0.01; % suggest by Ozugurlu
cmax = 62.5; % Carrying capacity of GBM tumour cells
alpha = 1.0; % Fractional derivative order
s = 0;
r = 1;
for m=2:3
c(1) = (1/((sqrt(2*pi()))*epsilon))*exp((-1/2)*(((x-x0)/epsilon)^2)); % Initial concentration (c0)
c(2) = (D/((sqrt(2*pi()))*(epsilon^3))-(D*((x0-x)^2))/((sqrt(2*pi()))*(epsilon^5))-p/((sqrt(2*pi()))*epsilon))*(h*((t^alpha)/(gamma(alpha+1))))*exp((-1/2)*(((x-x0)/epsilon)^2))+((h*p*(t^alpha))/(cmax*2*pi()*(epsilon^2)*(gamma(alpha+1))))*exp((((x-x0)/epsilon)^2)); % c1
d = diff(c(m),x,2);
c(m+1) = (n+h)*c(m)-(h*(t^alpha)/(gamma(alpha+1)))*(D*d+p*c(m)-(p/cmax)*((c(m))^2))
while r<=m
c = c(r)*(q^(r-1))+s;
s = c;
r = r+1;
disp('sum of series=')

Best Answer

inside the while loop you calculate something making use of c indexed at a value. you then store that on top of all of c, making c a scalar. Next time through the loop you try to index c but c is a scalar now.