MATLAB: Fmincon “not enough input argument”

fmincon not enough input argumentsMATLAB

I'm trying to optimize a nested objective function. The main script is as follows:
c = 1;
cd data;
formatSpec = 'c_p_%d.csv';
filename = sprintf(formatSpec,c);
data = readtable(filename, 'ReadVariableNames', true);
cd ..
alphaGuess = 0.01;
rhoGuess = 0.01;
beta_bGuess = 0.5;
beta_sGuess = 0.5;
beta_nGuess = 0.5;
A = [0 0 -1 1 0; 0 0 0 -1 1];
b = [0; 0];
Aeq = [];
beq = [];
lb = [0 0 0 0 0];
ub = [1 1 1 1 1];
x0 = [alphaGuess rhoGuess beta_bGuess beta_sGuess beta_nGuess];
x = fmincon(L_c,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub);
alpha = x(1);
rho = x(2);
beta_b = x(3);
beta_s = x(4);
beta_n = x(5);
The objective function L_c is defined in the following file:
function L = L_c(alpha,rho,beta_b,beta_s,beta_n)
data = readtable('data');
N = length(;
P_vector = zeros(N,1);
for i = 1:N
k = string(data.k(i));
theta_b = data.b_prod(i);
theta_s = data.s_prod(i);
P_vector(i) = log(P_i(alpha,rho,theta_b,theta_s,beta_b, beta_s,beta_n,k));
L = - sum(P_vector);
P_i, the function in L_c, is defined in another file:
function P = P_i(alpha,rho,theta_b,theta_s,beta_b,beta_s,beta_n,k)
beta = beta_b;
Psi_b = Psi_i_k(alpha,rho,theta_b,theta_s,beta);
Psi_s = Psi_i_k(alpha,rho,theta_b,theta_s,beta);
Psi_n = Psi_i_k(alpha,rho,theta_b,theta_s,beta);
if string(k) == 'b'
P = exp(Psi_b)/(exp(Psi_b)+exp(Psi_s)+exp(Psi_n));
elseif string(k) == 's'
P = exp(Psi_s)/(exp(Psi_b)+exp(Psi_s)+exp(Psi_n));
P = exp(Psi_n)/(exp(Psi_b)+exp(Psi_s)+exp(Psi_n));
Psi_i_k, the function inside P_i, is defined in another file:
function Psi = Psi_i_k(alpha,rho,theta_b,theta_s,beta)
Alpha = alpha.^(alpha/(1-alpha));
Buyer = (theta_b*beta).^(rho/(1-rho));
Seller = (theta_s*(1-beta)).^(rho/(1-rho));
Numerator = (1-alpha*beta)*Buyer + (1-alpha*(1-beta))*Seller;
Denominator = (Buyer+Seller).^((rho-alpha)/(rho*(1-alpha)));
When I run the main script without fmincon, Matlab returns a valid value. But when I run the fmincon function, Matlab returns the following error message:
I have attached a replication file to this post. Could someone please help me figure out what is wrong? Thanks!

Best Answer

What are your control variables? I mean, the variables that you want fmincon to move to look for an optimum? It looks like you want alpha,rho,beta_b,beta_s,beta_n to be the control variables.
If this is the case, then you need to make a new variable x = [alpha,rho,beta_b,beta_s,beta_n] and write L_c in terms of x:
function L = L_c(x)
alpha = x(1);
rho = x(2);
beta_b = x(3);
beta_s = x(4);
beta_n = x(5);
... % I mean the rest of your code goes here
Then you need to call the function differently:
x = fmincon(@L_c,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub); % Notice the @
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation