MATLAB: Solving a set of transcendental equations syntax error

fzeroMATLABSymbolic Math Toolbox

I have a set of geometric relationships where the independent variable is the angle theta and the dependent variable s2 is given by the following code. I am attempting to use code to write my anonymous function for fzero but I get an error message "Undefined function or method 'eq' for input arguments of type 'function_handle'" Any suggestions? Thank you, Scott
function s2_function(theta)
% =========================================================================

% system constants & initial values
P0 = [0,0];
p1 = [6,2];
P4 = [18,15];
r1 = 4;
r2 = 4;
r4 = 10;
s1 = sqrt((P0(1)-p1(1))^2 + (P0(2)-p1(2))^2);
s4 = sqrt((P4(1)-p1(1))^2 + (P4(2)-p1(2))^2);
bd = 19.65585;
Lb = bd*pi;
beta = 0.2662517;
theta = theta*pi/180;

% variables solved directly
P1 = P0 + [s1*cos(theta), s1*sin(theta)];
alpha1 = theta-beta;
alpha2 = asin((P4(2)-P1(2))/s4)-alpha1;
gamma2 = asin((r1+r4)/s4);
T3 = P1 + [r1*sin(gamma2-alpha2-alpha1),r1*cos(gamma2-alpha2-alpha1)];
T4 = P4 - [r4*sin(gamma2-alpha2-alpha1),r4*cos(gamma2-alpha2-alpha1)];
% variables solved indirectly
syms s2
P2 = P1 + [s2*cos(alpha1),s2*sin(alpha1)];
gamma1 = asin((r1-r2)/s2);
x1 = gamma1 + alpha1;
T1 = P1 + [r1*sin(x1), -r1*cos(x1)];
T2 = P2 + [r2*sin(x1), -r2*cos(x1)];
[M] = CircleIntersect(P4,r4,P2,r2);
T5 = M(1,:);
T6 = M(2,:);
l1 = sqrt((T1(1)-T2(1))^2 + (T1(2)-T2(2))^2);
l2 = r1*((2*pi)- acos(1-(((T1(1)-T3(1))^2 + (T1(2)-T3(2))^2)/(2*r1^2))));
l3 = sqrt((T3(1)-T4(1))^2 + (T3(2)-T4(2))^2);
l4 = ArcLength(T4,T5,r4);
l5 = ArcLength(T5,T6,r2);
l6 = ArcLength(T6,T2,r2);
% Solve the system of equations
fs2 = Lb-l1-l2-l3-l4-l5-l6;
ss2 = char(fs2);
fhs2 = strcat('@(s2)',ss2);
S2 = fzero(fhs2,16);
sprintf('s2 equals: %d',S2)
function [M]=CircleIntersect(P1,r1,P2,r2)
dx = P2(1)-P1(1);
dy = P2(2)-P1(2);
alpha = atan(dy/dx);
s = sqrt((P1(1)-P2(1))^2 + (P1(2)-P2(2))^2);
x = (s^2-r1^2-r2^2)/(2*r1*r2);
y = r2/r1;
alpha2 = atan((1-x^2)^(1/2)/(x+y));
alpha1 = asin(y*sin(alpha2));
gamma1 = alpha - alpha1;
gamma2 = alpha + alpha1;
% =========================================================================
% Define intersecting points (T1 & T2)
T1 = P1 + [r1*cos(gamma1), r1*sin(gamma1)];
T2 = P1 + [r1*cos(gamma2), r1*sin(gamma2)];
M = [T1;T2];
function [len] = ArcLength(P1,P2,r)
c = sqrt((P1(1)-P2(1))^2 + (P1(2)-P2(2))^2);
theta = acos(1-c.^2./(2.*r.^2));
len = r.*theta;

Best Answer

The fhs2 that you create is a string, but you need to pass fzero a function handle. str2func(fhs2) to create the function handle.