MATLAB: Use scatter3d to plot large dataset with 7 colors

colordata importMATLABscatter3d

I have a dataset of about 1500 observations with three numerical variables X, Y, Z, plus a variable C assigning one of seven colors to each observation. How do I use scatter3d to get the corresponding graph (where each observation gets the color as specified in C)? I find many examples/posts for scatter3d on mathworks, but they all involve just a slightly different problem.

Best Answer

It may be necessary to describe the problem in greater detail. The scatter3 documentation implies that it would be appropriate for the problem.
If ‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’ and ‘C’ are matrices, it would be necessary to convert them to vectors to use scatter3:
scatter3(X(:), Y(:), Z(:), [], C(:))
I sometimes find it preferable to use stem3, since it establishes the locations of the data, then hold, then scatter3 to add the colours.