MATLAB: How to plot x y z coordinates

3d plotscoordinatessurf

I have a 3×10 matrix and columns 1, 2 and 3 represent x,y and z coordinates respectively.
I want z to be used for the color data and surface height. I have tried with mesh/surf and other commands but it does not plot the z axis as the surface height.
Any help?
I have tried simple things such as: matrix=xlsread(filename); surf(matrix);
or matrix=xlsread(filename); X = matrix(:,1); Y = matrix(:,2); [x,y]=meshgrid(X,Y); Z = matrix(:,3); surf (x,y,Z);
but here I get the following message: 'Z must be a matrix, not a scalar or vector'
Any help with the coding would be appreciated, I am just trying to visualise some results. Thanks, Jo

Best Answer

One way to visualize your data would be
plot3(X,Y,Z, 'o')
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