MATLAB: 3D Scatter plot color map issues

3d scatter plotcolor map

Hi guys,
I am trying to plot a 3D scatter diagram using a .csv file. However, I have faced some difficulties while I was trying to arrange the color mapping of the diagram. Attached below is the .csv file and the current plot of the code. I am hoping the range of the color legend will be based on the z-component of the data, similar to the second images below.
Your help will be much apprecated.
Ideal Plot
clc; clear all; close all;
data= importdata('ScanData.csv');
markerColors = jet(length(z));
scatter3(x, y, z, 1, markerColors, 'filled')
grid on
title('3D Plot')

Best Answer

You have to assign the colormap to your axes.
set(gca, 'Colormap', markerColors)
The axes colormap is a separate property than the colors assigned to a scatter plot. Then colorbar references the axes' colormap and is unrelated to the colors used in the scatter objects.