MATLAB: Use a Simulink block as a regular MATLAB function

Aerospace ToolboxblocksMATLABsimulink

Hi everyone,
I am new to the MATLAB aerospace toolbox, and intend to use it quite intensively in the coming time. The aerospace toolbox has a very elaborate set of functions, such as the aerodynamic forces and moments block or the simple variable mass 6DoF equations of motion (Euler angles). These blocks are of course very useful in a Simulink environment, where the blocks are connected in a certain way and a time simulation can be run.
However, I was wondering whether it is also possible to call the underlying functions of these blocks as regular MATLAB functions. For example, taking the ISA Atmosphere Model as an example, I could use it as a block within a Simulink environment. For this specific example, I know that I can also call the function as a regular MATLAB function by calling:
[T a p rho] = atmosisa(h)
However, this function call is not indicated anywhere on this page. How do I know how to call the underlying functions of any of the blocks available within the MATLAB aerospace toolbox? That is, why is there no link from the "block function" page to this page and how can I see the function page corresponding to a general Simulink block?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Hi Sam,
I would suggest looking at the description of the blocks in the blockset page and the description of functions in the function page to know the under lying functions being used in the blocks.
Hope this helps!