MATLAB: Does the documentation for the 6DoF ECEF (Quaternion) block in the Aerospace Blockset 2.0.1(R14SP3) not mention about how the Initial Euler angles are to be specified

6dofaerospaceAerospace Blocksetangleeulerinitialquaternion

The 6DoF ECEF (Quaternion) dialog accepts the Initial Euler Orientation as a parameter. The documentaion for this block does not mention whether these Initial Euler angles are associated with the Direct Cosine Matrix that represents a coordinate transformation of a vector in Earth axes into a vector in body axes, or whether it represents a coordinate transformation of a vector in inertial axes into a vector in body axes.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 2007b (R2007b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
Documentation on this question is missing from Aerospace Blockset 2.0.1(R14SP3).
The three-element vector containing the initial Euler rotation angles
[roll, pitch, yaw] specifies Euler rotation angles between body and NED (north-east-down) coordinate systems. See the Version 2.1(R2006a) Aerospace Blockset User's Guide: Using the Aerospace Blockset: About Aerospace Coordinate Systems (chapter 2), for more about coordinate systems.