MATLAB: Updating real-time Plots in a new thread

Parallel Computing Toolboxreal time plotsthreads

Hi All,
I have Matlab 2015a (SP1) with Parallel Computing Toolbox (v6.6). I would like to update the a real-time plot (using drawnow function) in a new thread to free-up the main EDT thread. I have been trying to implement this using the 'parfeval' function (as I thought it can deal with graphical objects unlike hte 'batch' functionality) but with no success.
Is there anyway to update graphical objects (such as plots) in a new thread.
Many thanks for the help!

Best Answer

Is there anyway to update graphical objects (such as plots) in a new thread.
No. The workers need to communicate back to the main thread and have it do the graphics. An example is at