MATLAB: UITable Scrollbars not showing and scrolling semi-INOP


I have an app with UITable. During operation I import data to the table with ~350 rows. See image attached.
There is way more data than displayed, but the vertical scrollbar is not showing.
Sometimes I can use the scroll wheel to browse downward but it typically stops scrolling around 100-130 rows; I can never see the bottom of the data.
If I select a cell and use the down arrow it will walk down offscreen and back as if the table is fine… just not scrolling. Same for page down/up – the selected cell changes but scrolling does not follow.
The issue may be related to the creation code but I have yet to find the flaw… I've pasted the code below.
function handles = CreateTabbedPanels(handles)
%Create tab group
handles.tgroup = uitabgroup('Parent', handles.figure1,'TabLocation', 'top');
handles.tab1 = uitab('Parent', handles.tgroup, 'Title', 'Pressure Plots');
handles.tab2 = uitab('Parent', handles.tgroup, 'Title', 'Data Table');
%Place panels into each tab
handles.P1 = uipanel(handles.tab1);
handles.P2 = uipanel(handles.tab2);
%Reposition each panel to same location as panel 1
% Create Tab 1 items
handles.ax1 = subplot(1,1,1,'Parent',handles.P1);
% Create Tab 2 items - Create a data table
VarNames = {'Pressure','PumpEncoder','ZEncoder', ...
'ZEncValid', 'PressureSlope','SlopeFault','PressureFault'};
T = cell2table(cell(500,7), ...
'VariableNames', VarNames);
handles.uit1 = uitable('Data',T{:,:},'ColumnName',T.Properties.VariableNames,...
'Units', 'Normalized', 'ForegroundColor', [0,0,0], ...
'BackgroundColor',[0.9,0.9,0.9;0.82,0.82,0.82], ...
'FontSize', 10, ... %'FontWeight','bold', ...
'Position',[0, 0, 1, 1], ...
% Place in upper left
handles.uit1.Position = [0, 1-handles.uit1.Extent(4)-10, ...

Best Answer

The last line of your code is resizing the UITable and pushing the vertical scroll bar out of the figure boundaries.
When you create the UITable,
handles.uit1 = uitable('Data',T{:,:},'ColumnName',T.Properties.VariableNames,...
'Units', 'Normalized', 'ForegroundColor', [0,0,0], ...
'BackgroundColor',[0.9,0.9,0.9;0.82,0.82,0.82], ...
'FontSize', 10, ... %'FontWeight','bold', ...
'Position',[0, 0, 1, 1], ...
since the units are normalized and the position is [0 0 1 1] it is consuming the entire panel. This would result in the vertical scroll bar appearing along the right border of the panel.
But then the next line repositions the UITable.
handles.uit1.Position = [0, 1-handles.uit1.Extent(4)-10, ...
What's your goal with that line? Note that extent is not a documented property of UITables.