MATLAB: Assign same panel to different tabs UITAB


I am currently trying to create a gui in GUIDE. I have created 2 tabs using uitab in a uitabgroup. I have 2 panels, of which 1 is changing when you switch between tabs (panel P1a and P1b). The other should remain the same (P2). My question is, how can I see panel P2 in both tabs? Code is as follows:
handles.tgroup = uitabgroup('Parent', handles.figure1)
handles.tab1 = uitab('Parent', handles.tgroup, 'Title', 'Import Text')
handles.tab2 = uitab('Parent', handles.tgroup, 'Title', 'Import Excel')
Currently, this code does not work, since I only connect P2 to tab2 because of the last line.
Thanks, Reinier

Best Answer

Just reparent it in the 'SelectionChangedFcn' callback of the uitabgroup. It only needs to be parented by a tab if that tab is the currently selected one since you can never view 2 tabs at the same time.