MATLAB: ‘WindowButtonDownFcn’ cant detect handles data from other callbacks


I've set the 'WindowButtonDownFcn' in my GUI opening function as below:
set(gcf, ...
'WindowButtonDownFcn', @clickFcn, ...
'WindowButtonUpFcn', @unclickFcn);
The @clickFcn looks like that below, with a Drag function within it:
function clickFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
allAxes = findobj(gcf, 'Type', 'axes');
hCur = nan(1, length(allAxes));
for id = 1:length(allAxes)
hCur(id) = line([NaN NaN], ylim(allAxes(id)), ...
'Color', 'black', 'Parent', allAxes(id));
% Initiate cursor if clicked anywhere but the figure
if strcmpi(get(gco, 'type'), 'figure')
set(hCur, 'XData', [NaN NaN]); % <-- EDIT

set(hText, 'Position', [NaN NaN]); % <-- EDIT
set(gcf, 'WindowButtonMotionFcn', @dragFcn)
The drag function is:
function dragFcn(varargin)
% Get mouse location
pt = get(gca, 'CurrentPoint');
% Update cursor line position
set(hCur, 'XData', [pt(1), pt(1)]);
% Update cursor text
for idx = 1:length(allLines)
xdata = get(allLines(idx), 'XData');
ydata = get(allLines(idx), 'YData');
if pt(1) >= xdata(1) && pt(1) <= xdata(end)
y = interp1(xdata, ydata, pt(1));
set(hText(idx), 'Position', [pt(1), y], ...
'String', sprintf('(%0.2f, %0.2f)', pt(1), y));
set(hText(idx), 'Position', [NaN NaN]);
When I click on the plot, I realized the clickfunction could not detect them. I've handles from other callbacks as below:
K>> handles
handles =
figure1: [1x1 Figure]
clear_all: [1x1 UIControl]
uipanel1: [1x1 Panel]
uipanel2: [1x1 Panel]
uipanel4: [1x1 Panel]
uipanel5: [1x1 Panel]
LoadFile: [1x1 UIControl]
pop_filelist: [1x1 UIControl]
var_list: [1x1 UIControl]
togglepan: [1x1 UIControl]
togglezoom: [1x1 UIControl]
selected_varlist2: [1x1 UIControl]
add_var2: [1x1 UIControl]
plot2_push: [1x1 UIControl]
selected_varlist1: [1x1 UIControl]
add_var1: [1x1 UIControl]
plot1_push: [1x1 UIControl]
axes2: [1x1 Axes]
axes1: [1x1 Axes]
text6: [1x1 UIControl]
select_folder: [1x1 UIControl]
text5: [1x1 UIControl]
output: [1x1 Figure]
b: 0
folder: 'C:\Users\r14ang\Documents\MATLAB'
count: 1
count2: 1
files: [9x1 struct]
selected_file: 'C:\Users\r14ang\Documents\MATLAB\TZ24SKE_SCOP_F_Cut3.csv'
selected_file_table: [3930x33 table]
variable_list: {1x33 cell}
sel_list_temp: {'ODPIPESENSOR'}
sel_list_temp2: {'COMPTEMP'}
time_sec2: [1x3930 double]
What have I done incorrectly?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

James - it isn't clear where in your clickFcn you are trying to access the handles structure, unless you are assuming that it will be there due to the function signature of
function clickFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
In the above, handles will always be an empty matrix because you are not explicitly passing it when you assign the callback as
set(gcf, ...
'WindowButtonDownFcn', @clickFcn, ...
By default, there will only be two input parameters for clickFcn: hObject and eventdata. If you want to pass a third (or fourth or fifth) parameter, you would need to modify the above to
set(gcf, ...
'WindowButtonDownFcn', {@clickFcn, param3},..
where param3 is a variable that you have defined previously. However, if you were to try and pass handles in as the third parameter, it would only be a copy of handles at the time that you assigned the callback. So if handles changes over time (due to being updated in another callback) your clickFcn will not see these changes because it is using an out-dated copy of handles.
To get around this, you can use the guidata function to get the most recent handles structure. So we will leave the callback assignment as
set(hObject, ...
'WindowButtonDownFcn', @clickFcn, ...
'WindowButtonUpFcn', @unclickFcn);
(Note that I changed gcf to hObject. These should be identical since you are doing the above in the _OpeningFcn of your GUI.) In the callback, we will use hObject to get handles
function clickFcn(hObject, eventdata)
handles = guidata(hObject);
% etc.
Try the above and see what happens!