MATLAB: Taking the sum and average of a matrix using for loops while excluding two elements

averagefor loopsMATLABsum

As an example I am taking the sum and average of a matrix x = [10 7 7 6 7 7 8 5 7 7]
I want to exclude the values 10 and 5 and try doing it as done in my code, but it doesn't seem to take the average correctly or the sum. Is there a way to fix my code to make it do this?
theSum = 0;
for k = 1 : length(x);
if k>5 && k<10
theSum = theSum + x(k);

Best Answer

One approach:
x = [10 7 7 6 7 7 8 5 7 7];
newx = x(x~=10 & x~=5)
theSum = sum(newx)
avg = theSum/length(x)
I used a separate vector ‘newx’ to illustrate the approach. You can use x(x~=10 & x~=5) directly in the argument to sum without creating the vector if you prefer.