MATLAB: Find the sum of the non perimeter elements of a matrix using a for loop

loopmatrixnon perimetersum

I have this matrix
B=[-3 4 7;9 11 -13;-17 19 -23;-29 31 37;39 41 47]
and I need to find the sum of the non perimeter elements using a for loop. I can find the sum of a single column or row or of the whole matrix, but I don't know how to write a loop to only sum the 3 non perimeter numbers. Any help is appreciated, thank you.

Best Answer

Try it this way:
B=[-3 4 7;9 11 -13;-17 19 -23;-29 31 37;39 41 47]
[rows, columns] = size(B)
theSum = 0;
for col = 2 : columns - 1
for row = 2 : rows-1
theSum = theSum + B(row, col);
fprintf('The sum = %f\n', theSum);