MATLAB: Table values that is a scalar string


I use readtable to input an Excel file into Matlab.
T1 = readtable('AA.xlsx');
Now I know T1(3,48) = '32WC20110812', but I get an error when using the below command to assign the string to app.expo.Value:
app.expo.Value = T1(3,N);
Here is the error:
Error using matlab.ui.control.EditField/set.Value (line 98)
'Value' must be a character vector or a string scalar.
Error in A01_dataLoading_Tool/LoadheaderButtonPushed (line 279)
app.expo.Value = T1(3,N);
Error using matlab.ui.control.internal.controller.ComponentController/executeUserCallback (line 335)
Error while evaluating Button PrivateButtonPushedFcn.
What I'm missing? Thanks!

Best Answer

As said in your previous question, read the doc about tables. For this particular case, the bits about table indexing.
() indexing on a table always return a table (just as () indexing on a cell array return a cell array even if it has just one cell).
To access the content of the table use {} indexing or . indexing:
T{3, N}

T{3, 'variablename'} %where variablename is the name of the Nth variable

T.variablename(3) %where variablename is the name of the Nth variable