MATLAB: Simulink display problem in older releases after Windows Vista / Windows 7 update


In end of January 2016 I installed an update for Windows Vista / Windows 7.
Since then I am experiencing a display issue when using one of the following Simulink releases: R2008a/b, R2009a/b, R2010a/b.
When clicking somewhere on the Model canvas, the whole screen from above up to the position of the mouse cursor gets black or a previously opened window appears in the area.
How can I work around this issue?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, this is an incompatibility issue which was introduced by the recent update.
As this issue is only appearing with older releases of MATLAB it is unlikely that we can provide a patch.
Therefore we would like to recommend you to use one of the following workarounds:
  • Update to a newer operating system
  • Update to a more recent release of MATLAB
  • Uninstall the Windows Vista Update that is causing the issue
Additionally, some of our customers mentioned that the following workarounds are suitable for them:
  • Right-click on the MATLAB shortcut and select the "Compatibility" tab. On this tab, check the last two checkboxes from the Settings group: "Disable desktop composition" and "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings".
  • Disable Windows Aero.