MATLAB: Sequential, row-wise reshape of an M–by–N matrix to form a 1–by–N vector

matrix manipulationsorting

Dumb question. Let's say I have the following matrix:
A = [2 1
4 3
6 5
8 7
10 9];
Is there a way to use circshift(), some combinaton of circshift(), reshape(), transpose(), etc, or other set of functions to obtain the following.
A = somefun(A) % or combinaton of functions and operations
A =
2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 10 9
I could easily obtain this result with with a for loop, but I am wondering if there is another means to go about this. Notice that the rows are sequentially 'stacked' along the N–dimension. The question could similarly be phrased in terms of columns to produce an M–by–1 column vector.
Edit: Accidental, premature submit.

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