MATLAB: Multiply element of a row vector (A) by corresponding row of matrix (B) and sum


I am currently looking for an assistance on the way to perform such calculation:
A=[0 1 2 3];B=[1 2;3 4;5 6;7 8];
0*1 + 0*2
C= 1*3 + 1*4
2*5 + 2*6
3*7 + 3*8
==> C=[0;7;22;45]
I had a look at
but it can't be useful here (unfortunately).

Best Answer

This works:
C = sum(bsxfun(@times, A', B),2);
To get bsxfun to work here, you have to transpose ‘A’ so that the two arguments have a dimension in common. Then sum across the columns (dimension 2).