MATLAB: Avoid for loop: Looping through rows of m-by-n logical array

avoid looplogical arraylogical indexingMATLABreplace loop

Postedit: Read the comments below the accepted answer!
Is it possible to view the rows of a logical array independently without using a for-loop?
x = randi(5, 1, 10) % create 1x10 vector containing random integers between 1 & 5
y = randi(5, 1, 10)
xVals = unique(x)' % get column-vector of unique values of x
tf = x == xVals % logical array, that shows for every unique x-value, at which indices it occurs in x.
for i = 1:size(tf,1) % loop through rows of logical array
yVals(i) = {y(tf(i,:))}; % Assign all y-values that belong to one xVal-entry to one cell.

Best Answer

[~,~,idx] = unique(x);