MATLAB: Scatter3 not plotting after providing condition.


Hi everyone! I have a total delay on each hour in a month of an airport. I want to create scatter plot with day as x-axis, hour as y-axis and delay duration as z-axis. In the plot a want the color varies with the category of delay but after applying the condition, it plot for only 1 category. I hope someone could me with this project and I attach the matlab file, the current plot and also the plot idea that what I want to create.
The above plot is what I intend to do.
The above image is my matlab command.
The above plot is my result.. Can be seen that it only plot the green one.

Best Answer

Use the hold function.
scatter3(x(w1), y(w1), z(w1), 'y', 'filled')
hold on
scatter3( ...)
scatter3( ...)
scatter3( ...)
scatter3( ...)
hold off