MATLAB: Filling vector with a condition.

conditionfilling vectorifvectos

I have two vectors A and B of the same length
I wan´t to create a new vector containing the same numbers of B, but only if the same element in A was a number>0, if not, i want to put a zero in that element.
How can i do this? Could you help me?
Thank you in advance!!

Best Answer

Hi Javier,
as far as I understood your question you want to create a new vector with
for i=1:lenght(A)
if A(i)>0
C(i) = B(i)
This could be done in with the for loop above, but the fastest way should be via logical indexing.
C = zeros(size(A));
flag_a = A >0 % is logical 1 where elements are bigger zero
C(flag_a) = B(flag_a);
best, Stephan