MATLAB: Do I receive the error “MATLAB should be installed with your other products” when I try to install a toolbox from the website


After successfully downloading a new toolbox, the installer gives one the following errors when I select the installation directory:
You must select a directory where MATLAB is already installed
MATLAB should be installed with your other products

Best Answer

You must already have MATLAB installed on your system if you are adding a toolbox. If MATLAB is not installed, you will have to install it before, or while, installing any toolboxes.
If MATLAB is installed on your system and you are still receiving this error, make sure you are selecting the root MATLAB folder and not MATLAB's toolbox folder. The root MATLAB folder is the folder in which you first installed MATLAB. It should come up as the target folder at the Product List part of the installation.
This error can also occur if there is a mismatch between the version of the toolbox and the version of MATLAB. You cannot mix the toolboxes of two different releases of MATLAB. The release of the toolbox must match the release of MATLAB.